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AOA Member News

Implementation of ESG Investment at Zenkyoren

Zenkyoren (National Kyosai Federation of Japan Agricultural Cooperatives; President: Fumio Yanai) announces that it has decided to invest US$50 million (approximately 8 billion yen) in Nutrition Bonds issued by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (hereinafter “IFAD”). This is the first investment in “Nutrition Bonds” issued by IFAD in the world.

The bonds are based on IFAD’s Sustainable Development Finance Framework (see note), and the funds raised will be used to ensure food security for people in rural areas facing poverty and hunger in developing countries, to improve undernutrition among women and children, and to address chronic malnutrition. The funds will be used for programs such as these.

Zenkyoren will financially support IFAD’s efforts through its investment in the Bonds. Zenkyoren believes that each of these initiatives is an implementation of the SDGs themselves.


(Note) For details of the framework, please see the link below.


Bond Overview

Bond Name Nutrition Bonds
Issuer International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Issuance amount 50 million US dollars (approximately 8 billion yen)
Redemption Period 5 years


Major SDGs that we contribute to

Sustainable Development Goal 1 - Wikipedia   


We will continue to contribute to the realization of the SDGs through our proactive business activities and fulfill our social role as a member of the local community.