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“Impact of Digital Innovation on the Strategies of Our Sector” - AOA Seminar in Hong Kong (Thursday 6th December & Friday 7th December 2018)

AOA Seminar 2018, Hong Kong

Hong Kong Flag 

It is with great pleasure that the Asia and Oceania Association of the ICMIF (AOA) invites its members to the AOA Seminar 2018 in Hong Kong. This is for executives, managers, and staff members of AOA member organizations.
This seminar has been held once every two years to develop cooperative and mutual insurers in the Asia and Oceania region. The theme of this year is “Impact of digital innovation on the strategies of our sector”. The influence that revolutionary evolution of digital technologies such as AI, IoT, and blockchain on each business aspect of the cooperative and mutual insurance sector cannot be ignored whether it’s good or bad. Under these circumstances, we, cooperative and mutual insurance organizations, will need to ask ourselves the questions as to how we can incorporate the digital innovation into business, utilize it for the sake of members and customers, and what kind of points we should pay attention to in the process of utilizing it. In this seminar, we will examine these issues from various perspectives through commentaries on global trends by experts, introduction of advanced initiatives by AOA members, and panel discussions.

Thursday 6th December and Friday 7th December 2018


Royal Plaza Hotel, Junior Ball Room I-II (Level 3)
193 Prince Edward Road West, Kowloon, Hong Kong


Asia Affinity Holdings Limited  (An associate member in Hong Kong)


Please be advised that the agenda may be subject to changes.

Day 0 – Wednesday 5th December 2018

19.00 – 21.00 Reception for young staff     YOUNG ATTENDEES ONLY

Slow Life
214 Prince Edward Road West, Prince Edward, Hong Kong

Day 1 – Thursday 6th December 2018

AOA Board Meeting
08.30 – 10.00 
10.00 – 10.30 
Junior Ball Room I – II (Level 3)
Welcome Remarks
10.30 – 10.50
Mr_Fumio_YanaiFumio Yanai

AOA Chair, and President of the Board of Directors of Zenkyoren


Graham_ClarkGraham Clark

Chief Executive, Asia Affinity Holdings Limited  (host organization)



Keynote Speech I
 10.50 – 11.20

Photo_Rowan_DouglasRowan Douglas

Head of Capital, Science & Policy Practice

Willis Towers Watson



Reinventing the Institution of Insurance in a Networked World

Fireside Chat
 11.20 – 11.40
Shaun Tarbuck, Chief Executive of ICMIF and Rowan Douglas

Summarizing what the wider insurance industry and then ICMIF members are doing in terms of digital innovation. Where are the big differences between plcs behaviors and those of mutuals?

Coffee Break
 11.40 – 12.00 
Keynote Speech II
 12.00 – 12.40

Arup Chatterjee

Principal Financial Sector Specialist
Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department

Asian Development Bank (ADB)


Catastrophe Risks and Regulation of Insurance Markets /
FinTech in Insurance – Taking Innovation To The Next Level 

Poolside Chat
 12.40 – 13.00
Graham Clark, Arup Chatterjee and P. A. Kiriwandeniya

Moderator: Graham Clark

 13.00 – 13.50
La Scala (Level 2)
Case Study I
 13.50 – 14.25

 Patrick Walker

Executive General Manager
Advocacy and Members

Royal Automobile Club of WA (Inc.) (Australia)


Trial of Driverless and Electric Vehicles in Western Australia

This session will take the audience of the journey to get the Intellibus®, a fully automated electric shuttle bus, operating safely on public roads, as well sharing key insights from the past two years of operation. This will include discussion of the operating system and on-board technology; route assessment, selection and preparations; and ongoing operational requirements, as part of the safety-first approach.
It will also reflect on community perceptions towards the technology and trial learnings to explore identified opportunities and considerations being explored through RAC’s broader AV (Automated Vehicles) program and ultimately, in preparing for a driverless future. The session will equip participants with sufficient knowledge about the process to deliver a public trial of an automated vehicle and the role of industry and government in achieving the best outcomes from the technology for the community.

Case Study II
 14.25 – 15.00

Juliana_Chua_NTUC_IncomeJuliana Chua

Head of Digital Transformation

NTUC Income (Singapore)





NTUC Income: Our Digital Transformation Journey

Digital transformation is about sweeping change. It changes everything about how products are designed, sold, delivered, and serviced. Many enterprises that fail to transform themselves will disappear. But as in evolution, many new and unanticipated enterprises will emerge, and existing ones will be transformed with new business models. Juliana shares NTUC Income’s journey in the pursuit of digital transformation. 

Coffee Break
 15.00 – 15.20 
Case Study III
 15.20 – 15.55 

Hiroki Ono

General Manager, Claims Planning Division

JCIF (Japan)



JCIF’s sophistication of claims payment process and optimization of work flow by utilizing AI

The present claims payment process is actually a human-centered system depending on the skilled staff. However, in the forecast of the future, Japan will step into a super-aged society with declining population ahead of the whole world. Under such recognition, we will be required to build a business that enables us to maintain stable claims payment process in order to provide a peace of mind for our members continuously in the future. JCIF is promoting business reforms by utilizing IT technology including AI while conscious of compatibility with maintaining co-operative identity. Hiroki Ono introduces a case study of JCIF’s efforts.

 15.55 – 16.20 
Speakers of Case Study I – III

Moderator: Shaun Tarbuck

Closing of DAY 1
 16.20 – 16.35 
Group Photo Session
End of Day 1

Dinner party co-hosted by Asia Affinity Holding Limited and AOA

Lamma Rainbow Seafood Restaurant (Lamma Island)DSC_4663

Day 2 – Friday 7th December 2018

  08.00 – 08.50 Morning Meeting by CEOs and Young Attendees
Junior Ball Room I – II (Level 3)
<Split into 4 groups> 

Graham Clark
Chief Executive
Asia Affinity Holdings Limited  
(Hong Kong)
Roy S. Miclat
Chris Black
Chief Executive
FMG (New Zealand)
Shaun Tarbuck
Chief Executive
Keynote Speech III
 09.00 – 09.40

Graham_ClarkGraham Clark

Chief Executive

Asia Affinity Holdings Limited 



Building Resilience and Sustainability through digital engagement

Exploring the use of technology in helping deliver resilience and sustainability to both the vulnerable and underserved sectors of our community

Special Lecture
 09.40 – 10.10
Kevin_Angelini_Willis_Towers_Watson Kevin Angelini

Senior Director & Regional Strategy & Hong Kong Leader

Willis Towers Watson



Key Themes in Asia

Sharing of market practice and best practice in the market in Digital innovation, from the point of view of external parties. The session will be a mix of presentation and interactive discussion.

Presentation of latest trends from the market in terms of digital innovation and digital adoption. Including some case studies and excerpts from our latest InsurTech Quarterly Briefing, including some latest InsurTech funding statistics. Specific topics include Customer & Distribution, Health, Artificial Intelligence and Analytics.

Coffee Break
 10.10 – 10.25 
Case Study IV
 10.25 – 11.00

Naoyoshi_Kiyama_ZenkyorenYoshinao Kiyama

Managind Director

Zenkyoren (Japan)



Zenkyoren’s strategy on utilization of digital technology

The legacy systems we have used for a long time are recently deteriorating its maintainability, and it results in obstacles for us to make information system investments in the new areas. On the other hand, the automobile insurance is about to change drastically with the advent of advanced safety vehicles.
Under such circumstances, digital technologies, which we need to deploy, such as smartphone with high penetration rate, high-speed wireless communication, more accurate GPS, and evolution of AI are spreading drastically in Japan. We believe that utilizing such technologies is indispensable to keep members’ trust in us.
Yoshinao Kiyama introduces the current status of Zenkyoren’s legacy systems as well as the new technologies to be deployed.

Case Study V
 11.00 – 11.35

Jae-Bong Kim

Senior Manager, Digital Finance Department

NH Life Insurance (Republic of Korea)



Integrated Business Management through Digital Marketing Platform

1. The Case of Building Digital Marketing Platform based on Online-Insurance
2. Analyzing effect of Business Efficiency and Cost reduction by utilizing Digital Technology

Case Study VI
 11.35 – 12.10

Glenn Croasdale

Head of Online Services

FMG (New Zealand)



Enhancing our relationship model online

Glenn shares FMG’s strategy and plans to progressively develop an online capability to give clients more choice, convenience and control in the context of their relationship positioning. 

 12.10 – 12.45 
Kevin Angelini and Speakers of Case Study IV – VI 

Moderator: Shaun Tarbuck

Introduction to 2019 Auckland Biennial Conference of ICMIF/AOA
 12.45 – 12.55

Chris_Black_2018Chris Black

Chief Executive

FMG (New Zealand)


FMG is the host of Auckland Biennial Conference of ICMIF/AOA

 12.55 – 13.45
La Scala (Level 2)
A Young Leader Journey – Unleashing Potentials through Opportunities
 13.45 – 14.15

Jackelyn_Ballena_1CISPJackelyn P. Ballena

Vice President for Operations (Life)

1 Cooperative Insurance System of the Philippines Life and General Insurance (1CISP)  (Philippines)



Jackelyn will share the information and experiences she gained in attending the Young Leaders Program during the ICMIF Biennial Conference of last year in London as well as ICMIF’s Intelligence Committee Meeting and Young Leaders Forum to be held in Finland on 6-9 November 2018.

Case Study VII
 14.15 – 14.50


Dr_KiriwandeniyaP. A. Kiriwandeniya


SANASA Insurance Company Limited
(Sri Lanka)



Impact of Digital Innovation on Weather Index Insurance introduced by SICL
“Appropriate digital innovation is key success”

1. Introducing the Sri Lankan Economy and insurance industry
2. Background of Sanasa Insurance Company Limited (SICL)
3. Progress of Sanasa Group
4. Services offered by SANASA Insurance Company in Sri Lanka
5. Progress of SICL
6. Impact of Digital Innovation on Weather Index Insurance
7. Challenges faced by SICL
8. Expanding network of SICL weather station
9. Community Based weather Station

Case Study VIII
 14.50 – 15.25


Manuel NGO, MD

Director – International Mobility and Operations Department

IMA (France)



Head of Market – International Mobility and Operations Department

IMA (France)


eCall: safer mobility and exemplary public-private cooperation in the area of emergency calling

The eCall is a safety device embedded in vehicles, which sends an emergency call automatically or manually. In France, after 1 October 2017, the eCall is processed by a private platform operated by the National Union of Assistance Companies (SNSA); this has been delegated by the government. The regulations will gradually make this device mandatory.

Coffee Break
 15.25 – 15.40 
 15.40 – 16.05
Jackelyn Ballena and Speakers of Case Study VII – VIII

Moderator: Shaun Tarbuck

Remarks from ICMIF
 16.05 – 16.30

Photo_Shaun_TarbuckShaun Tarbuck

Chief Executive




Topics including but not limited to the activities of this year, the strategy for the next 4 years, and 2019 Biennial Conference in Auckland

Closing Remark
 16.30 – 16.40
Mr_Fumio_YanaiFumio Yanai

AOA Chair, and President of the Board of Directors of Zenkyoren


・The events marked with light blue color are exclusive for young staff.

5.Who should attend

Executives, managers and staff members of AOA member organizations.

This time, AOA plans to prepare the interactive and networking programs customized to young staff members (basically age 35 or younger) outside the main agenda of the seminar, as our first attempt. Please also consider dispatching young staff, in addition to executives and senior managers.

Regarding the participation from affiliate companies of a member organization and potential members, please consult the AOA secretariat individually.


The seminar will be delivered in English and Japanese, which are official working languages of AOA. Simultaneous interpretation services of English-Japanese and English-Korean will be available during the plenary session.


If you have any inquiries, please contact the AOA secretariat (



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